New Club: Member Survey

Welcome to your local Wheelchair Basketball Club. We hope you make new friends, learn new skills and most of all have fun!

Your Club has received funding to get it established. As a member of Wheelchair Sports NSW/ACT this means you can enjoy the benefits of a free service for a limited period, with no cost to you for court hire, sports wheelchair hire and player insurance, to name just a few benefits. 

As part of the funding conditions, our funder wants us to check in with members every six months or so to see how participating in this Wheelchair Basketball program is making a difference to your life - both in a sports context and your life in general. 

Please take the time to answer the following questions. Importantly, all responses will be anonymous.

Thanks in advance for your participation.

Select your gender identity*

These can be sports skills, or personal skills that transfer to your everyday life (eg develop self-confidence, learn how to transfer between chairs)

This can be confidence and optimism either in a sports context or in your personal life

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