The power to change lives through sport
Leaving a gift to Wheelchair Sports NSW/ACT in your Will means you can support people in NSW and the ACT living with a disability continue to lead healthy and active lives. Wheelchair Sports NSW/ACT is grateful for any gift you can provide to help our current and future members experience the life-changing benefits of sport.
By informing us of your decision to leave a gift in your Will, you give us the opportunity to acknowledge this and thank you personally. You will receive regular updates and invitations to special events.
Types of gifts in Wills for you to consider
There are a number of ways you can leave a gift in your Will and a lawyer with experience in Estate Planning, a trustee company or the Public Trustee can advise you and prepare your Will to incorporate your wishes. You may wish to consider:
- A gift of your residuary estate, which means the assets remaining in your estate after your family and friends have been provided for, and the payment of all debts and any gifts under your Will are settled
- A cash gift of a specified sum of money
- A specific item such as your shares or a piece of real estate
- The nomination of Wheelchair Sports NSW as an alternative beneficiary, should something happen to you and your family
- The nomination of Wheelchair Sports NSW as a beneficiary in an ongoing trust in your Will to provide funding for programs and equipment (such as wheelchairs)
- The naming of Wheelchair Sports NSW as the beneficiary of a life insurance policy.
Correct wording for a gift to Wheelchair Sports NSW/ACT in your Will
If you decide to make a gift in your Will to Wheelchair Sports NSW/ACT we suggest the following wording:
Example 1: A gift for general purposes
I give (describe the nature of the gift, e.g. the residue of my Estate; the sum of $50,000; my shares and any unpaid dividends in the company known as [insert name]; my interest in the property located at 123 ABC Street, Sydney, NSW, 2000; the proceeds of my life insurance policy with policy number [insert number]) to Wheelchair Sports NSW/ACT (ABN 81 827 767 938) for its general purposes. The receipt of the Treasurer or Proper Officer of the organisation will be a sufficient discharge to my Executor for this gift.
Or, should you decide to support a specific program or initiative, the following wording would be appropriate:
Example 2: A gift for a specific purpose
I give (describe the nature of the gift, e.g. the residue of my Estate; the sum of $20,000; my shares and any unpaid dividends in the company known as [insert name]; my interest in the property located at 123 ABC Street, Sydney, NSW, 2000; the proceeds of my life insurance policy with policy number [insert number]) to Wheelchair Sports NSW/ACT (ABN 81 827 767 938) for (describe the program or aspect of the organisation you wish to support with your gift, e.g. sports programs; sports equipment; member support services). The receipt of the Treasurer or Proper Officer of the organisation will be a sufficient discharge to my Executor for this gift.
A Will is a very important document and requires specialist knowledge. We recommend you see a lawyer with experience in Estate Planning to prepare your Will to ensure your Will achieves your wishes.
For a confidential discussion about leaving a gift to Wheelchair Sports NSW/ACT in your Will, please contact us on 02 9809 5260